Distaff Day Activities for Happier Work
Using Distaff Day as inspiration, we expand our spiritual aspirations into practical, daily actions.
The Spiritual Almanac is free. Please share with others who you think will enjoy it.
Activity: Creating Your Life on Purpose Action Plan
Time Required: 30 mins - 1 hr
Materials: Several index cards
➡️ To Do:
Write your Life on Purpose spiritual aspiration sentence in your journal. If you still need to do so, please return to the Jan 1: Your Life on Purpose article and complete the activity.
Example: My spiritual aspiration is to live a life of eternal comfort, security, and freedom.
Identify your values from your spiritual aspiration sentence and write them in a column.
Example: My values are:
Next to each value, write a summary sentence as shown below and then list specific actions to move you toward your desired life.
To live a purposeful life that provides a peaceful heart that comforts me during calm and chaotic times, each day, I will:
Meditate for 20 minutes.
Write three things I am grateful for.
Make a conscious effort to be mindful during at least one routine activity, like brushing my teeth or washing the dishes.
Read a spiritual book for 20 minutes.
Question my thoughts instead of believing them.
To live a purposeful life that provides internal security instead of seeking it outside myself, each day, I will:
Go within and ask for guidance before jumping into reactive behavior.
Take two mindful breaks during the day and bring my attention to the present moment.
Let the past go. Instead of harboring past resentments that make me insecure and fearful, I choose to forgive.
To live a purposeful life that provides freedom from emotional suffering, each day, I will:
Let go of expectations and attachments to outcomes, allowing life to unfold naturally.
Practice non-judgment towards myself and others, freeing me from the constraints of comparison and criticism.
Remind myself that I am not defined by my circumstances or external factors but rather by my inner wisdom.
➡️ To Do: Write your Life on Purpose spiritual aspiration statement on an index card. On the back of the card, write this gratitude statement:
I appreciate the guidance that helps me live with purpose. Each day is a blessing, and I’m grateful for it. This sense of direction adds meaning to my life, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to live intentionally.
➡️ To Do:
Use an index card for each value and write it in bold, large letters.
On the back of each value card, list the actions for each corresponding value.
Carry these cards with you and review them every morning and night.
Incorporating these activities that align with your values helps you remember your purpose. When you feel negative, ask if your actions match your values.
When an emotion prompts you to need something, whether a new pair of shoes, a different spouse, or another glass of wine, take a moment to ask why. Take yourself back to Pompeii and evaluate the root cause of your desire.
➡️ To Do: Share your insights, thoughts, or reflections on this exercise. Private message me or leave your comments below.
Bonus Activity (optional): Weaving a Distaff Day Connection Bracelet
Time Required: 1 - 2 hrs
Different colors of embroidery thread or yarn
Clipboard or tape
Beads or charms (optional)
In honor of Distaff Day, gather brightly colored ribbon or yarn and create a small string bracelet.
Think about your values and action plans as you weave the strands together for a fun and reflective activity.
Step 1: Gather Materials
Collect all the materials needed. These include colored threads or yarn, scissors, a clipboard or tape, and any optional items like beads or charms.
Step 2: Cut the Threads
Decide how long you want your bracelet to be, then cut each piece of thread about double that length. Ensuring you have enough thread is essential to create the knots needed for the bracelet.
Step 3: Secure the Threads
Gather all the threads together and make a knot at one end, leaving enough thread above the knot to tie the bracelet when it’s done.
Use a clipboard or tape to secure the knotted end so the bracelet doesn’t move while working on it.
Step 4: Start Weaving
Choose one thread as your base thread. Take the next thread and create an open loop that resembles the number 4 over the base thread, then pull the end of the second thread through the loop and pull it up to tighten.
Repeat this process until you’ve covered the desired length of the base thread.
Step 5: Continue with the Next Thread
Once you’ve covered the desired length of the base thread, choose the next thread as your new base thread and repeat the process.
Step 6: Add Beads or Charms (Optional)
If you want to add beads or charms, thread them onto the base thread before making the next knot.
Step 7: Finish the Bracelet
When you’ve reached the desired length of your bracelet, gather all the threads together and make a final knot.
Cut off excess thread, but leave enough to tie the bracelet around your wrist.
Step 8: Wear the Bracelet
Wear this bracelet as a reminder of the power of perception and living your spiritual aspiration values.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed by daily routines or post-holiday stress, look at your bracelet and remember your willingness to live a life on purpose.
➡️ To Do: Take a pic of your bracelet and share it in chat. Let’s celebrate your accomplishment together!